Gl-518 ...

Gl-518 LCD 6 Gulu Zosefera Popelani Chotsani Car Air Muumbi

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Chitsimikizo & Chitsimikizo

Tags mankhwala

1.High density cotton pre-filter can remove different kinds of pollutants such as hair, scurf, fibre, pollen dust, etc.

2.HEPA fyuluta angathe kufufuta chifunga, particles ndi mungu, mabakiteriya Mwachangu monga mkulu monga 99,97%

3.Active carbon filter can eliminate bad odors, cigarette smog, nicotine and indoor decoration contamination, speed up the decomposition of harmful gases.

4.Photo chothandizira fyuluta.

5.UV kuwala yolera yotseketsa angathandize kupha HIV ... etc.

6.Ozone akhoza mabakiteriya nyongolosi, HIV yomwe zoipa thanzi lathu.

7.LCD kudzionetsera.

8.Fixed 2 zimakupiza mu mbali ya galimoto mpweya wathu purifier, kusintha mlingo mpweya yobereka.

9.Aroma thonje: galimoto mpweya wathu purifier ali ndi mamangidwe wapadera wa Fungo thonje, angagwiritsidwe ntchito ngati fungo diffuser.

10.Negative ion akhoza kusintha chitetezo chokwanira komanso kusintha thupi bwino.

图片 1 图片2 图片3

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  • Chitsanzo Cha Gl-518
    Voteji DC12V
    Max Mphamvu 9W
    kutalika mphamvu chingwe meters 3
    Zolemba malire buku mpweya 45cm³ / h
    Wachisoni ion linanena bungwe 5*106pcs/cm³
    Ozone output 100mg/h
    Kukula Kwazinthu 298*190*70mm
    Zinthu Zofunika ABS
    phokoso Max45db
    powerengetsera 0-2 Hrs (whole unit)
    Mpweya umene powerengetsera 5 mphindi / 15mins / 45mins / 1hr
    LCD chophimba pawiri mtundu Blue kapena White optional
    Phukusi 12pcs/carton
    Kukula kwa Carton 673*335*420
    Katoni NW 13.2 kg
    Katoni GW 19.5kg
    Loading Quantity 20”GP/40”GP/40”HQ: 3540 /7356/8616pcs
    Chiphaso CE

    Approved CE certificate.
    未 标题 -1- 恢复 的 - 恢复 的 - 恢复 的 - 恢复 的

    W arranty
    Zonsezi ndi 1 chaka ufulu chitsimikizo, tirinso ndi mbali 1% yopuma dongosolo chochuluka.