

  • Air Purifier—Air Fighter, Get Rid of Allergies

    If you’re constantly battling allergies, then you’re probably well aware of the triggers. The four most commonly inhaled allergens are mold, pollen, pet dander, and dust. These compounds can be found both inside and outside the home, although some are more prominent in certain areas. ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Does Negative Ion Really Work on Air Quality Improvement

    Negative ions have been discovered for more than 100 years and are widely used for air cleaning. So what is negative ion? Negative ions are oxygen atoms charged with an extra electron. They are created in nature by the effects of water, air, sunlight and the Earth’s inherent radiation Negatively ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Good air brings us health benefits.

    Having a suitable air purifier can greatly increase the comfort of your home. It can remove odors, viruses and allergens hidden in the air, thus protecting you from airborne diseases and respiratory problems. When purchasing an air purifier, one of the most important considerations is the real h...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Does Air Purifier Efficient in Removing the Odor after Decoration ?

    Many people might found that rooms are smelling odd after decoration, and most people don’t tlike that and felt dizzy or gross. So what is those smell? And where does it come from? Actually, the smell contains formaldehyde, Benzene gas and may other noxious gas. As you may know, those gas will l...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • You need a powerful air purifier

    There are so many air purifiers on the market, is it dazzling? Today recommend the GL-K180 to solve your troubles. Smart Touch Screen, Multiple Functions ① 4 fan speed: Low / Mid / / High / Super high ② 3 working mode: Auto / Manual / Sleep ③ 4 timer setting :1 / 2 / 4 / 8 Hours timing can be c...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Kufema kuri nyore neiyi yekunatsa mweya!

    Masisitimu ekare ekudzivirira mweya anowanzo pusha guruva rakawanda mumba mako. Unogona kuwana dandruff, mukume uye zvimwe zvinorema pazvipfeko zvako, Vanhu vane allergies neasthma vanoda purifier kumba. Yekuchenesa mweya yaGuanglei inogona kubvisa zvese zvakakura zvinorema mumba mumaminetsi mashoma. Dus ...
    Verenga zvimwe


    HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2019 (Autumn Edition) Yekuratidzira Nguva: Gumiguru 13-16, 2019 Booth Kwete: Kwete. 1C-D01 Horo yeMukurumbira, Horo 1 Kero: Hong Kong Gungano uye Exhibition Center Canton Fair (Autumn Edition) Zuva: Gumiguru Gumiguru 15-19, 2019 Booth Nha .: F25, 1 / F, Horo 5 (Consumer Electronics Chigadzirwa ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Mota Inonatsa Mota Inodiwa?

    Muguta matinogara, mune kuwanda kwemotokari mazuva ese. Idzo mota dziri mumigwagwa dziri kuburitsa gasi rekuzadza nguva dzese. Kunze kwekunhuhwirira, inokuvadzawo muviri. Sezvo mhepo yekunze kunze kwemotokari isiri yakanaka, varidzi vemotokari vazhinji vachasarudza kuchinjisa iyo yekugadzirisa mhepo kune yemukati c ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • 2019 Yakanakisa Mhepo Inonatsa: Yakachena Mhepo yeBacteria Uye Particulates

    Kunyangwe iwe uchigara nevasvuti, kana uchingoda kufema zvirinani, iyo yekunatsa mweya inogona kusefa kunze kweakawanda ezve ngozi zvikuru mumba mako. Environmental Protection Bureau yakati kunyangwe pasina michina inogona kubvisa zvachose kusvibisa kana kutsiva mweya nemweya wakachena wekunze, ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Yakabatana zvakanyanya nehutano hwedu.

    If you clean your home often, you may think you are ready. Wiping hard surfaces with disinfectant is certainly good, but have you stopped to think about what you can’t see? The fact is that our home is troubled by common pollutants invisible to the naked eye. Pollutants such as pollen, pet...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Irwa neNew Top Killer – Kusvibisa Mhepo

    Wakamboona here kuti kusvibiswa kwemhepo kunosanganisa semhondi yepamusoro pasirese? "Muurayi anyerere" haazi anotyisa kana kuoneka sekubonderana kwemotokari, humhondi, kurwiswa nemagandanga kana njodzi dzinongoitika dzega, asi zvakadaro zvine ngozi nekuti inosvibisa nhengo dzakakosha, zvichikonzera zvirwere zvakakomba nekufa ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Utsi Mudenga, Anonatsa Mhepo Pamba

    Utsi hwemoto wemusango hune njodzi nekuti hune huturu hutete hwe2,5 microns kana zvishoma (zvichienzaniswa nemamirioni makumi manomwe mumvere dzevanhu). Kusiyana neguruva rakajairika, zvidimbu izvi zvinogona kuyamwa zvakadzika chikamu chemapapu. Pamusoro peziso uye kufema kufufutirwa, izvi zvinoteedzana nyaya (sci ...
    Verenga zvimwe